Wednesday, August 25, 2010


i still miss my cat, who stayed at another house for a short amount of time, then ran away.  sometimes i think she (who was really a he) will still come around someday and snuggle my neck during an afternoon nap, windows open.

an older friend of mine tells me things don't always turn out how you thought they would, doors close and the body slows down. the people and the things you counted on aren't there.

one of my closest companions spends less time with me because it's easier.

i'm spending a considerably less amount of time with one of my best friends because it's healthier.

i helped my dad pick out a (somewhat) fashionable hat today because he is losing all of his hair and feels stupid wearing the same hats or no hats at all.

new friends and possible lovers are lifting my spirits and my confidence.

old friends are encouraging me in pursuing my dreams and moving to new places in life.

yesterday i cleaned my house and did yoga (all while listening to lil' wayne).

i'm learning how important it is for me to have meaningful interactions, sincere goodbyes and physical touch.

my mother is my very best friend, but sometimes we are so cold to each other.

tomorrow i leave for san francisco to visit my brother and see a new place.