one of my best friends moved away last week. since i've had to say goodbye to quite a few people who mean a heck of a lot to me in the recent past, it felt pretty routine. it has been pretty easy to stay connected with the people who mean most to me but there is always a part of me that worries about it. there is a certain bond between some friends that can't really be broken, no matter how distant you are. but then there's always the off chance that you'll lose touch. my relationships with some people have not only continued but have grown and become even more meaningful than before. but there are others that have completely died. ones that i expected to hold on tight to. but as i "grow up" and i live apart from them, i realize that i'm changing and they're changing and we're both just slightly different from what we were before. for the most part, yes, people stay the same but this time in my life is making me into the person i'll be forever. my thoughts, opinions, priorities, worries, and dreams have all shifted (some more than others) in the last year. i don't worry so much that lauren and i will completely lose touch but just that we won't have the opportunity to learn as much from each other because of the distance between us. i learn from each one of my friends but it's so much easier to grow when you are around them. but i suppose the google machine will have to tide me over until we meet again.
i just read this today. i feel like it's just what i have thought about leaving friends. it sometimes surprises me who i've stayed in contact with, and who i've lost touch with. i'm sad to lose contact with people, but i think you're right, that as we change, so do others, and we don't stay connected like we'd want to all the time. sometimes it's sad, but it's part of the process of experiencing new places and meeting new people.
omg katie. you're killing me here. killing. me.
i love you so much and miss you even more (if that's possible)
you, my friend, are one little life teacher that i do not want to lose. so...to the google machine!
I love youuu!!!!!!!!
Why have I not spent hours blog-stalking you before? :(
I miss you in my lifeeeeeee....
Don't lost touch with ME when you are all the way in O-tOWn???
And I'm down here in Linkkyy, loverless and being pushed around by certain people! aHhHHhHhh!!
You left your lens cap at my house last night.
ooOoh i have things to tell youuuuuuuuuuuu
but they are just random.
theres a dead snake in the road.
anyway you are deep and thoughtful and beautiful and amazing and talented in every way and the best barista in town!
love you — my friendship with you is one of the best things that has happened to me this school year! :)
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