certain people, smells, and places make home feel like home for me. i cannot express in words how much different home will feel without this girl there with meh.
i recently found a message from my sweet lil' lady friend, lars. laura, lo, lando, laaaanky. you get the point. because i don't want to lose it, i'm going to paste it here. most of it you (if there is anyone actually reading this) won't even begin to understand the history and love (lust) behind each one of these statements but maybe you have something (someone) comparable to lo in your life.
cartface. this is a list of things i CAN NOT wait for:
-trips to sonic with you and your daddy
-knitting in your living room
-pretending like we're on a date and when you get nervous you start to moo
-dancing and taking pictures of it (we can do it in your living room this time)
-the absolutely incredible hug you and i are going to experience when i see you
-having conversations with about 3 actual words in them
-making babies with you, dbag, juicy, lando, and jenga
-sipping chai lattes to beautiful music
-going to the old market with all the lights
-a BANGIN' new years eve
-reminiscing on old times, and telling eachother of all the new ones we've experienced
-maybe going to church, then stroads....or just going to starbucks, then stroads
-crazy face pictures
-watching a movie in your basement...meaning you all watch a movie and i fall asleep on the floor
-going to cheesecake factory b/c we're totally hitting that place up like 3 times
-eating at pf changs...but maybe without the sweet discount
-meeting your friends from lincoln when i come stay a night with you =)
-the feeling i'm going to get when i see you and your family (my family)
-the fact that i'm tearing up right now just because i'm SO...so so excited to see you
-the fact that we've both probably changed a bit...yet not at all
-the fact that your dad will probably buy me window scrapers or a tire gauge =)
-sitting in your living room with you and your momma...the TV is on....and yeah, it's on mute
-eating salami and yams...?
-the fact that a good majority of these things are about us and food...
-taco bell
-.....this is a tough one....but driving past my old house. i know.
-realizing that it doesn't matter that i don't live there anymore....i know where my home is
-seeing your beautiful face
can't wait.....
love you.
-going to cheesecake factory b/c we're totally hitting that place up like 3 times
-eating at pf changs...but maybe without the sweet discount
-meeting your friends from lincoln when i come stay a night with you =)
-the feeling i'm going to get when i see you and your family (my family)
-the fact that i'm tearing up right now just because i'm SO...so so excited to see you
-the fact that we've both probably changed a bit...yet not at all
-the fact that your dad will probably buy me window scrapers or a tire gauge =)
-sitting in your living room with you and your momma...the TV is on....and yeah, it's on mute
-eating salami and yams...?
-the fact that a good majority of these things are about us and food...
-taco bell
-.....this is a tough one....but driving past my old house. i know.
-realizing that it doesn't matter that i don't live there anymore....i know where my home is
-seeing your beautiful face
can't wait.....
love you.